martes, 26 de abril de 2011

Artículo No.2 BRICS summit: one for all, all for one · Global Times · April 15 2011] ·

The world's West-centric standpoint will not be maintained for long. However, BRICS countries neither seek nor have the ability to establish another political and economic center, accurately reflecting the true state of transition of the international community today.
The national strength of BRICS countries is on the up, but converting strength to power is slow going. They must thus be patient and resist being called an "anti-Western alliance."
The restraint of emerging countries and the generosity of Western countries are both indispensable. It is not justified to refuse more development rights to BRICS countries, but the feelings of the developed countries should also be taken into consideration.
BRICS countries look forward to increased cooperation. The public opinions in the five countries are in favor of more political coordination and diplomatic development. The Sanya Declaration criticized the NATO bombing of Libya, and in doing so became the most forceful voice of opposition against the air strikes.
Among the five BRICS countries, China, with the strongest comprehensive strength, is the most persistent in low-key diplomacy, which prevents the organization from being seen as opposed to the West at its inception. However, Russia and India will also affect China. We believe that the BRICS summit might help China to express itself truly.
A West-centric perspective must experience the changes of a new era. Emerging countries do not challenge the West, but nor should they worship it.  If the West is not broad-minded enough to face this reality, there is sure to be a tough road ahead.
The strength of BRICS countries comes from economic growth. Sooner or later, the total economic output of BRICS countries will surpass that of the G7, which will impact the world to a greater extent than the rise of the former Soviet Union.
Differing from the Soviet Union, BRICS countries have not used political expansion and military threats as a tool to become stronger. These countries may create a turning point in human history and promote peaceful competition to gradually become a fundamental part of the changing world. This sounds a little idealistic, but given the strength of BRICS countries and the increasingly high cost of trying to prevent their ascent, BRICS countries will continue to strengthen cooperation along this path.
Despite mutual competition, BRICS countries can take unified action in issues related to rights of development and world peace. The EU's unification diplomacy has often failed. BRICS countries are able to do better than EU in terms of coordination. The unified voice at this summit is a good start.
The five BRICS countries should be aware that this mechanism is for strategic cooperation, to ensure the rights of free development and to prevent developed countries from seeking purely self-serving methods.
The total population of the BRICS accounts for 42 percent of the world population, so it will naturally be a complicated process to defend their development rights.

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